Meet Jenna.


Living a Nourished. life is all about feeling healthy, happy and whole. My journey began around 2011 when I cleaned up my diet (even though I never really considered my diet to be poor), and by doing so, I “accidentally” ended up with more energy than I thought possible, lost a few pounds that had been lingering since college, revealed toned muscles that I had slaved away at the gym for, and felt better overall than I ever had before – and I didn’t even know that I wasn’t already feeling my best! This gave me a whole new outlook on the importance of nutrition, and thus, led me to discover my passion for health, fitness, and overall wellness. So, I enrolled in nutrition school and became a certified health coach! Now, it is my passion to share my knowledge and to help others feel their absolute best by getting ridiculously healthy from the inside out!

I’m originally from PA, but now call Charlotte, NC home. I have spent the past 10 years as a sales analyst in the corporate world, and have now created a whole business around my passion with a team of amazing like-minded individuals.

In my spare time (the little that I have!), I enjoy running, baking, reading, traveling, spending time with my husband, and squeezing my two nieces! You can also catch me watching way too much reality TV and indulging in a glass (or two!) of good wine.


Are you looking for a major lifestyle makeover? Perhaps you are already on your health journey, but need community and support to get you across the finish line? Maybe you’re a fellow health nut who is looking to build a business by helping others get healthy. If you answered yes to any of these, we should definitely chat. Let’s connect! I can’t wait to meet you!

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